Monday, June 21, 2010

Geezz I forgot about this blog

Well it's been ages since I've even known that I created this blog. So much has happened since my last post. My grandfather has passed away, I had surgery to remove 12" of my colon, work has been just work. It's been over 6 years since I've moved to Texas. Where does the time go?

I am at a point in my life now that really seems to have reached stagnet point. Nothing coming or going, just living one day at a time.

Some recent news I have taken and passed my Ham operator license test. I am KF5HHJ until my new vanity call sign gets approved at which time I'll be KM5ART. For those who know me, you know that I'm all into lightbars and whatnot, so Kmart fits me.

I'm hoping to maybe start writing some more, but who knows. I'm so busy doing nothing that things really seem to slip my mind.

I'll see about getting on here more often, but no promises.

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