Sunday, August 3, 2008

I am a horriable Blogger

Yep, the year is more then half way over and I havn't written anything. But that's pretty normal for me. I am about to go on vacation, so I'm happy about that. Only 19 more days then I'm home free for 2 weeks.

So what's new, well it's hot. No make that HOT!!!!! Stupid hot, and my car has no AC...(donations for Shane's car AC repair can be sent to via paypal) hehehe

There is not really that much big news to share since the begining of the year. I'm still working day shift at my job and loving it. I never thought I'd be a morning person (really I'm not, but it sure is nice to go home early). The dogs are doing good, so is Chrissy.

If I have any readers out there I want to say thank you for checking in on me, and sorry that I have let you down by not posting a blog more often. Hey, I'm a work in progress, what can I say.

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