Friday, January 5, 2007

Taser- Friend or Foe

Tasers are the best tool to ever be introduced to Law Enforcement. It has saved so many lives and has also saved officers and suspects from getting hurt. Without taser, many more suspects would have been shot or hit with a baton, which can easily break bones and leave lasting injuries.
I know there are some out there who think that Taser's are leathal...well, I really don't think they are. Now if you're hopped up on drugs and are fighting with the police, and get tazed and die...well I bet it's not the taser but the deadly drugs running through your system. When somenoe dies from that combination (drugs and adrenlin) it is called "excited delirium" and there are many stories on it, but here's just one. story

Even with the deaths, I feel very strongly that the taser should continue to be used, and should been on the belts of every police officer. But for those who disagree, think about this...
The company for Taser has come up with a taser cam, that attaches to the battery. This records both video and audio when the device is turned on. So when it's used, all can see what the officer saw, and in most cases should show that it was very neccesary. Taser Cam

1 comment:

Mick Coffman, ATP, RRTS said...

I'm for the tasers, too.