Friday, January 5, 2007

Just how impressionable are kids?

Well, I think very. In about the last 6 months or so I've seen many articles written about this and they do bring up some good points. Just recently a couple of children have hung themselves by watching what they have seen on TV Story

What I don't understand, is why are the parents not catching this before it becomes a problem? Most normal kids don't act out what they see on tv. Of course, some also may add that video games are also to blame, well are they? Story

I found a good website that has some helpful tips for parents, maybe it'll help, maybe not. Story

1 comment:

Mick Coffman, ATP, RRTS said...

I think that setting a good example says it all. My parents were pretty lenient about what we watched on TV, but they also set an example for us that meant more than what we saw on TV. Granted, there were things that we couldn't watch, but I can count those on one hand.